plot.abline <- function( intercept = 0, slope = 1, black.and.white = ){ cat("\nPlotting abline (",intercept,",",slope,")\n") if(black.and.white){ line.color = "black" = "dotted" line.thickness = 2 }else{ line.color = "darkblue" = "dotted" line.thickness = 2 } panel.abline( a = intercept, b = slope, col = line.color, lwd = line.thickness, lty = ) } plot.administration.time.multi <- function( data.for.amt =, ids = groups, rows.being.used = subscripts, black.and.white = ){ unique.ids <- unique(ids[rows.being.used]) <- data.for.amt[["amt"]] #cat("\n\nAMT Data\n");print( <- c([[,"ID"] %in% unique.ids,"TIME"] ) #To select the administration times where the IDs are being plotted #cat("\n\nSelected AMT Data\n");print( if(black.and.white){ polygon.color = "grey50" #medium grey amt.color = "grey5" #almost black }else{ polygon.color = "green" amt.color = "green" } if(length( > 0){ cat("\nPlotting Administration time\n") panel.abline(v = unique(,col = amt.color) #Plot the unique times }else{ cat("\n There is no AMT times being used. AMT lines will not appear. \n") } } plot.administration.time <- function( data.for.amt =, ids = groups, rows.being.used = subscripts, black.and.white = ){ unique.ids <- unique(ids[rows.being.used]) <- data.for.amt[["amt"]] #cat("\n\nAMT Data\n");print( <- c([[,"ID"] %in% unique.ids,"TIME"] ) #To select the administration times where the IDs are being plotted #cat("\n\nSelected AMT Data\n");print( if(black.and.white){ polygon.color = "grey50" #medium grey amt.color = "grey5" #almost black }else{ polygon.color = "green" amt.color = "green" } if(length( > 0){ cat("\nPlotting Administration time\n") amt.range <- range( if(amt.range[1] == amt.range[2]){ panel.abline(v = amt.range[1],col = amt.color) }else{ polygon.points <- rbind( c(amt.range[1],y.min.lim), c(amt.range[2],y.min.lim), c(amt.range[2],y.max.lim), c(amt.range[1],y.max.lim) ) panel.polygon(polygon.points,col = polygon.color,border = polygon.color) } }else{ cat("\n There is no AMT times being used. AMT lines will not appear. \n") } } <- function( points.x = x, points.y = y, minimum.required = 6, black.and.white = ){ cat("\nPlotting Box and Whiskers\n") ### Box Plot Box Color (Default color is blue) box.rectangle <- trellis.par.get("box.rectangle") box.rectangle$col <- "black" trellis.par.set("box.rectangle", box.rectangle) ### Box Plot Outliers outlier.color <- "black" plot.symbol <- trellis.par.get("plot.symbol") plot.symbol$col <- outlier.color plot.symbol$cex <- 1 trellis.par.set("plot.symbol", plot.symbol) ### Box Plot Whiskers whisker.color <- "black" box.umbrella <- trellis.par.get("box.umbrella") box.umbrella$col <- whisker.color trellis.par.set("box.umbrella", box.umbrella) if(black.and.white){ boxfill.color <- "grey 90" }else{ boxfill.color <- "light yellow" } table.points.x <- table(points.x) locations.x <- table.points.x[table.points.x >= minimum.required] x.names <- as.numeric(names(locations.x)) if(length(x.names) > 0){ <- points.x[points.x %in% x.names] <- points.y[points.x %in% x.names] ### Select only locations that contained the minimum requirement #cat("Table of X.Points\n");print(table.points.x) #cat("X Points that Passed");print(x.names) #cat("");print( #cat("");print( panel.bwplot( x =, y =, horizontal = FALSE, color = "black", ### Color of "dot at median" pch="|", ### Creates a horizontal line at the median, instead of a solid dot fill = boxfill.color ) }else{ cat("\nWarning!\n\tPlease lower the minimum required for the box and whisker plot to allow boxes to be plotted.\n\t(Only if desired)\n") } } plot.grid <- function( x.divisions = 10, y.divisions = 10, grid.color = "grey95", ### Really close to white x.limits =[["x.lim"]], y.limits =[["y.lim"]] ){ cat("\nPlotting Grid\n") tmp.h <- (0:y.divisions)/y.divisions *(diff(y.limits)) + y.limits[1] tmp.v <- (0:x.divisions)/x.divisions *(diff(x.limits)) + x.limits[1] panel.abline(h = tmp.h,v = tmp.v,col = "grey95") } plot.grid.simple <- function( x.divisions = 10, y.divisions = 10, grid.color = "grey95" ### Really close to white ){ cat("\nPlotting Simple Grid\n") panel.grid( h = y.divisions, v = x.divisions, col = grid.color ) } <- function( points.x = x, points.y = y, ids = groups, rows.being.plotted = subscripts, black.and.white = ){ cat("\nPlotting Lines Connected by ID\n") unique.ids <- unique(ids) if(black.and.white){ colors.unique <- c(rep(1,length(unique.ids) )) <- "dashed" }else{ colors.unique <- rainbow( length(unique.ids) ,start = .56,end = .13) #Colors blue to purple to red to orange, no yellow and green <- "solid" } panel.superpose( x = points.x, y = points.y, subscripts = rows.being.plotted, groups = ids, panel.groups = "panel.lines", # Panel used to plot the data col = colors.unique, pch = NA, lty =, type = "l", alpha = 1 # The opacity of the lines ) } plot.lowess <- function( points.x = x, points.y = y, line.thickness = 1.4, = "solid", line.color = "black", line.span = 5/6 ){ cat("\nPlotting Loess Line\n") if(length(points.x) > 1){ panel.loess( x = points.x, y = points.y, lwd = line.thickness, lty =, col = line.color, span = line.span ) }else{ cat("\nNot enough points to plot a Loess line\n") } } plot.mean.line <- function( points.x = x, points.y = y, = "dotted", minimum.required = 2, black.and.white = ){ cat("\nPlotting Mean Line\n") if(black.and.white){ line.color <- "black" line.thickness <- 2 }else{ line.color <- "darkred" line.thickness <- 2 } table.points.x <- table(points.x) unique.ordered.points.x <- names(table.points.x[table.points.x >= minimum.required]) #cat("\ntable.points.x\n");print(table.points.x >= minimum.required) #cat("\nunique.ordered.points.x\n");print(unique.ordered.points.x) avg.y.points <- sapply(unique.ordered.points.x,function(x,s.points.y = points.y, s.points.x = points.x){ s.points.mean <- mean( s.points.y[s.points.x %in% x] ) return(s.points.mean) }) #cat("\navg.y.points\n");print(avg.y.points) if(length(unique.ordered.points.x > 0)){ panel.lines(x = unique.ordered.points.x, y = avg.y.points, lwd = line.thickness, lty =, col = line.color) }else{ cat("\nWarning!\n\tPlease lower the minimum required for the mean line to allow the line to be plotted.\n\t(Only if desired)\n") } } plot.points <- function( points.x = x, points.y = y, points.symbol = "x", points.size = 1, points.color = "black" ){ cat("\nPlotting Points\n") panel.xyplot( x = points.x, y = points.y, pch = points.symbol, cex = points.size, col = points.color ) } plot.quantiles <- function( =, quantile.type = 7 ){ cat("\nPlotting Quantiles\n") quan.x <-$x quan.y <-$y quan.alpha <-$alpha fifty.percent.line <- tapply(quan.y, quan.x, quantile, probs = 0.5, type = quantile.type) nintyfive.percent.line <- tapply(quan.y, quan.x, quantile, probs = (1-quan.alpha), type = quantile.type) five.percent.line <- tapply(quan.y, quan.x, quantile, probs = (quan.alpha), type = quantile.type) #cat("\n\n50% Line\n");print(fifty.percent.line) quantile.colors <- c("grey35","grey35") quantile.lty <- c("dashed","longdash") panel.lines(names(five.percent.line),(five.percent.line), col=quantile.colors[1],lty=quantile.lty[1],lwd=2) panel.lines(names(fifty.percent.line),(fifty.percent.line), col=quantile.colors[2],lty=quantile.lty[2],lwd=2) panel.lines(names(nintyfive.percent.line),(nintyfive.percent.line), col=quantile.colors[1],lty=quantile.lty[1],lwd=2) } 'plot.violin' <- function( points.x = x, points.y = y, = 0, violin.color = "transparent", violin.ghost = .5 ){ cat("\nPlotting Violin Plot\n") ### Violin Color and Alpha (Default color is blue; Default alpha is 1) viol <- trellis.par.get("plot.polygon") viol$col <- violin.color viol$alpha <- violin.ghost trellis.par.set("plot.polygon", viol) panel.violin( x = points.x, y = points.y, horizontal = FALSE, ) } 'plot.ci95.whisker' <- function( points.x = x, points.y = y, distribution = "t", #"normal" y.limits = NULL, ci95.ghost = 1, whiskers.and.outliers = FALSE ){ cat("\nPlotting 95% Confidence Interval\n") if(is.null(y.limits)) stop("\n\n\ty.limits was not supplied\n\n") y.split <- split(points.y,points.x) x.locations <- as.numeric(names(y.split)) for( i in x.locations){ x <- i y <- y.split[[as.character(x)]] a <- mean(y) s <- sd(y) n <- length(y) if(distribution == "t") error <- qt(0.975,df=n-1)*s/sqrt(n) if(distribution == "normal") error <- qnorm(0.975)*s/sqrt(n) <- a + error <- a - error ### Plot Lower Interval lsegments( x0 = x, # X Start y0 =, #Y Start x1 = x, # X Finish y1 = min(a,c(a - 0.02*diff(y.limits))), # Y Finish, with 2% buffer away from center point (creates white space) col = "black", lty = 1, lwd = 8, alpha = .25 ) ### Plot Upper Interval lsegments( x0 = x, y0 =, x1 = x, y1 = max(a,c(a + 0.02*diff(y.limits))), col = "black", lty = 1, lwd = 8, alpha = .25 ) ### Plot Mean Dot lpoints( x = x, y = a, pch = 16, # Solid Circle col = "black", cex = .75, alpha = ci95.ghost ) ### Write how many points there are at the bottom ltext( x = x, y = c(y.limits[1]-diff(y.limits)*0), # To have the text written in the 3% buffer offset = 0, labels = c(paste("N =",n,sep=" ",collapse="")), cex = .5, srt = 90, # Rotate text 90 degrees ) ### Make Box Plot Box Color Transparent box.rectangle <- trellis.par.get("box.rectangle") box.rectangle$col <- "transparent" trellis.par.set("box.rectangle", box.rectangle) ### Make Box Plot Outliers Circles outlier.color <- "black" plot.symbol <- trellis.par.get("plot.symbol") plot.symbol$col <- outlier.color plot.symbol$cex <- 1 trellis.par.set("plot.symbol", plot.symbol) ### Make Box Plot Whiskers Black, Solid, and See Through whisker.color <- "black" box.umbrella <- trellis.par.get("box.umbrella") box.umbrella$alpha <- ci95.ghost box.umbrella$col <- whisker.color box.umbrella$lty <- "solid" trellis.par.set("box.umbrella", box.umbrella) ### Make Whiskers and Outliers if(whiskers.and.outliers){ panel.bwplot( x = rep(x,length(y)), y = y, horizontal = FALSE, color = "white", ### Best way known how to remove the dot pch=".", ### Best way known how to remove the dot cex = 0.000001, ### Best way known how to remove the dot fill = "transparent", # Makes box see-through box.width = 0 # Makes whisker top line disappear ) } #cat("\n\n\nX");print(x);cat("a");print(a);cat("s");print(s);cat("n");print(n);cat("error");print(error);cat("");print(;cat("");print(;cat("diff");print(0.02*diff(y.limits)) } }