color.gen <- function( color.start = "black", color.finish = "grey75", number = 5 ){ # Function that creates the hexadecimal names of the colors. # Idea taken from 'example(rgb)' ramp <- colorRamp(c(color.start,color.finish)) colors <- rgb( ramp( seq(0,1, length = number)), max = 255) return(colors) } reset.layout <- function(){ par(mar=c(c(5,4,4,2)+0.1)) layout(1) } title.layout <- function( main = "TITLE OF PAGE", p.loess = FALSE, p.abline = FALSE, cex.main = 2 ){ plot(1,1,type="l",col="white",xlab="",ylab="",axes=FALSE) #Moves the plotting area to the 'title' area of the 'page' par(mar= c(0,0,0,0)) #produce a buffer of 0 lines from the top of the 'page' mtext(main, cex = cex.main,side = 3, adj = .5,line= -(cex.main + 1.5), font = 2) # Write the title of the 'page', at cex.main size, on the top, in the middle, with a 1.5 line buffer, in bold #print(mode(p.loess));print(mode(p.abline)) if(!is.list(p.loess)) p.loess <- NULL if(!is.list(p.abline)) p.abline <- NULL if(TRUE %in% c(is.list(p.loess), is.list(p.abline))){ legend("right",c(p.abline$legend,p.loess$legend),col=c(p.abline$color,p.loess$color),lty="solid",lwd = 2,title="Legend", inset=0.02) } } name.check <- function(,{ # Function to check whether or not the list has the necessary information # Prevents R from crashing! t.f <- sapply( names(, function(x, n.t.c ={ return( x %in% n.t.c) }) if(length( == length({ length.t.f <- TRUE }else{ length.t.f <- FALSE } if(FALSE %in% c(t.f,length.t.f)){ return(FALSE) }else{ return( } } fun.zones <- function(n = 1, ratio=0.66, top.down=FALSE, = FALSE, max.sections = 16){ # n = Number of plots # max(n) == 30 n.original <- n if({ n <- max.sections } if(n > max.sections){ n <- max.sections } if(n > 30){ n <- 30 cat("\nThe maximum number of plots per page is 30. It is being trimmed to this number.\n") } <- matrix(c(0,0,0,0,0,2,1,0,0,4,3,0,0,0,0,0),ncol=4,byrow=FALSE) <- plot.widths <- c(5,ratio*90,(1-ratio)*90,5) plot.heights <- c(5,(1-ratio)*90,ratio*90,5) multiplier <- 4 plot.cols <- ceiling(n^(1/2) ) plot.rows <- ceiling(n/ceiling(n^(1/2)) ) # Easiest way to understand what is going on is to remove the # before the cat's # Replicates the base horizontally, adding 4 each time # Then depending on what row the 'row' is it is multiplied again for(j in 0:(plot.rows-1)){ #by rows (vertically) <- NULL for(i in 1:plot.cols-1){ #by columns (horizontally) if(i==0){ <- #cat("\n\\n");print( }else{ <-[ > 0] <-[ > 0] + i*multiplier #cat("\n\\n");print( <- cbind(, } } if(j!=0){[ > 0] <-[ > 0] + (plot.cols*j*multiplier) #cat("\n\nJ row\n");print( if(top.down){ <- rbind(, }else{ <- rbind(, } }else{ <- } } zones <- zones.widths <- rep(plot.widths,plot.cols) zones.heights <- c(12.5*plot.rows,rep(plot.heights,plot.rows)) #cat("\nZones before reducing number of areas\n");print(zones) zones[zones > min(n,n.original)*multiplier] <- 0 zones <- rbind(min(n,n.original)*multiplier+1,zones) #cat("\nZones after reducing number of areas\n");print(zones) #cat("\nZone Widths\n");print(zones.widths) #cat("\nZone Heights\n");print(zones.heights) layout(zones, widths=zones.widths,heights=zones.heights,respect=TRUE) } plot.and.histos <- function( x = iris$Sepal.Width, #points.x y = iris$Sepal.Length, #points.y main = "TITLE", x.label = "X Label", y.label = "Y Label", main.cex = 1, points.color = "black", number.of.bars = 10, p.abline = NULL, p.loess = NULL, n = NULL ){ xhist <- hist(x, breaks=seq(min(x), max(x), length.out = number.of.bars+1), plot=FALSE) yhist <- hist(y, breaks=seq(min(y), max(y), length.out = number.of.bars+1), plot=FALSE) #cat("\nxhist\n");print(xhist);cat("\nyhist\n");print(yhist) top <- max(c(xhist$counts, yhist$counts)) # To make the histograms relative to eachother # It solves the problem of having the the longest bar in the top plot == 500, while the same length bar in the right plot == 250. # Now the longest bar in the top plot will be twice as big as the longest bar in right plot. xrange <- c(min(xhist$breaks), max(xhist$breaks) ) yrange <- c(min(yhist$breaks), max(yhist$breaks) ) ### Middle par(mar=c(4,4,0,0)) plot(x, y, xlim=xrange, ylim=yrange, xlab=x.label, ylab=y.label, col = points.color) if(is.list(p.abline)){ #cat("\np.abline\n");print(p.abline) abline( p.abline$intercept, p.abline$slope, col = p.abline$color, lwd = 2) } if(is.list(p.loess)){ #cat("\np.loess\n");print(p.loess) lines(loess.smooth(x,y, span = p.loess$span), col = p.loess$color, lwd = 2) } ### Top par(mar=c(0,4,1,0)) # No gap #par(mar=c(1,4,1,0)) # With a gap inbetween plots barplot(xhist$counts, axes=FALSE, ylim=c(0, top), space=0) ### Right par(mar=c(4,0,0,1)) # No gap #par(mar=c(4,1,0,1)) # With a gap inbetween plots barplot(yhist$counts, axes=FALSE, xlim=c(0, top), space=0, horiz=TRUE) ### Title par(mar=c(0,0,1,0)) plot(1,1,type="l",col="white",xlab="",ylab="",axes=FALSE) #blank plot, serves the purpose of moving on to the next "grid" location if(n != 1) mtext( text = main, side = 3,adj = 1, cex = main.cex, font = 2) } yyplot <- function( x.column = "Sepal.Width", y.column = "Sepal.Length", split.column = FALSE, data = iris, ratio = 0.8, title.of.all.plots = "TITLE OF EVERYTHING", cex.title = 2, xlab = "X Label", ylab = "Y Label", color.of.middle.plot = color.gen("black","grey25",7), #transparent colors number.of.bars = 20, abline.list = FALSE, loess.list = FALSE, max.plots = 9, top.down = TRUE ){ loess.list <- name.check(loess.list,c("color","span","legend")) abline.list <- name.check(abline.list,c("intercept","slope","color","legend")) if(split.column == FALSE){ split.column <- rep(1,nrow(data)) data <- cbind(data, split.column) split.column <- "split.column" } data.split <- split(data,data[,split.column]) <- names(data.split) n <- length( #cat("\nNumber of Plots\n");print(n) fun.zones( n, ratio=ratio, max.sections = max.plots, top.down = top.down) # Generates the grid that the plots are plotted on title.cex <- 0.66 if(n <= 4) title.cex <- .83 if(n ==1) title.cex <- 1 #cat("\nTitle.cex\n");print(title.cex) times.through <- 1 for(i in{ #cat("\ndata.split[[",i,"]]\n");print(data.split[[i]]) #cat("\nX Points\n");print(data.split[[i]][,x.column]);cat("\nY Points\n");print(data.split[[i]][,y.column]) plot.and.histos( x = c(data.split[[i]][,x.column]), y = c(data.split[[i]][,y.column]), main = paste(split.column,"=",i,sep=" ",collapse=""), number.of.bars = number.of.bars, main.cex = title.cex, x.label = xlab, y.label = ylab, points.color = color.of.middle.plot, p.abline = abline.list, p.loess = loess.list, n = n ) if(times.through/max.plots == floor(times.through/max.plots) & n > max.plots){ title.layout(main = title.of.all.plots, p.abline = abline.list, p.loess = loess.list, cex.main = cex.title) # Plots the Overall title of the 'page' # it is ok if 'times.through' does not reach to 'max.plots' (maximum number of sections) fun.zones( n-times.through, ratio=ratio, = TRUE, max.sections = max.plots, top.down = top.down) # Re-Generates the grid for the next 'page' of plots } times.through <- times.through + 1 } if(n/max.plots != floor(n/max.plots) | n == max.plots){ title.layout(main = title.of.all.plots, p.abline = abline.list, p.loess = loess.list, cex.main = cex.title) } reset.layout() # Function to reset the Layout of the graphics }