Y~Y Plot

Example - Points and Loess

Code Used

### Using a toy data set due to example data sets not having more than one Y variable
#pdf(file="F:/Website/yyplot/lattice/latticeyy-points-loess-large.pdf", width = 8.5, height = 11)

### Import Data
  data <- iris
  split.column <- "Species"
  data.to.plot <- list()
  data.to.plot$x <- data[,"Petal.Length"]  #x
  data.to.plot$y <- data[,"Sepal.Length"]  #y
  data.to.plot$criteria <- data[,split.column] #split.column

  x.min.lim <- min(data.to.plot[["x"]])
  x.max.lim <- max(data.to.plot[["x"]])
  y.min.lim <- min(data.to.plot[["y"]])
  y.max.lim <- max(data.to.plot[["y"]])

  range.largest <- max(c(y.max.lim-y.min.lim),c(x.max.lim-x.min.lim))

  data.to.plot$x.lim <- c(x.min.lim,x.max.lim)
  data.to.plot$y.lim <- c(y.min.lim,y.max.lim)

  bw <- FALSE

### End Import

### Panel Function

  function.of.panel <- function(
    data.to.plot.in.panel = data.to.plot,
    black.and.white.in.panel = bw,
  cat("\n\n\nPacket", packet.number(),"\n")
  #### Grid
      x.divisions = 10,
      y.divisions = 10,
      grid.color = "grey95",
      x.limits = data.to.plot.in.panel[["x.lim"]],
      y.limits = data.to.plot.in.panel[["y.lim"]]

  ### Loess Line
      points.x = x,
      points.y = y,
      line.thickness = 1.4,
      line.style = "solid",
      line.color = "red",
      line.span = 5/6

  ### Plot Points
      points.x = x,
      points.y = y,
      points.symbol = "o",
      points.size = 1,
      points.color = color.gen("black","grey75",3)

### End Panel

### Make Y~Y Plot
  lat.yy <- xyplot(
    y ~ x | as.factor(criteria),
      # remove '| as.factor(criteria)' if do not want to split the data
    data = data.to.plot,
    type = NULL,
      # Taken Care of in Panel
#    aspect=1,
      # X length is the same as the Y length.  It produces a square box.
      # X units have the same length as Y units, does not mean aspect = 1.
      # Most likely will produce a rectangular shape
    layout = c(1,3,1),
      # Forces the layout to have 1 column, 3 rows, 1 page
    xlab = "Petal Length [units]",
    ylab = "Sepal Length [units]",
    xlim = c(x.min.lim - 0.03*(range.largest),x.max.lim + 0.03*(range.largest)), 
    ylim = c(y.min.lim - 0.03*(range.largest), y.max.lim + 0.03*(range.largest)),
    main = "iris Data Set",
    panel = function.of.panel,
    key = list(
      title = "Legend",
      text = list(
        c("Loess Line","Points"),
      points = list(
        col = c("red","black"),
        pch = c(NA,4),
        cex = c(1)*0.75
      lines = list(
        col = c("red","black"),
        lwd = c(1.4,1),
        lty = c("solid","blank")
      type = "l",
      space = "right",
      cex.title = 1,
      cex = 0.75


### Change Color of Trellis Device and Plot Data
  trellis.device(color = !bw,new = FALSE,retain = FALSE)

### Plot Data
