pchShow2 <- function( extras = c(0:25), cex = 1.5, ## good for both .Device=="postscript" and "x11" col = "red3", bg = "gold", coltext = "brown", cextext = 1.2, main = paste("plot symbols : points (... pch = *, cex =", cex,")") ){ nex <- length(extras) np <- nex ipch <- 0:(np-1) k <- floor(sqrt(np)) dd <- c(-1,1)/2 rx <- dd + range(ix <- ipch %/% k) ry <- dd + range(iy <- 3 + (k-1)- ipch %% k) pch <- as.list(ipch) # list with integers & strings if(nex > 0) pch[1:nex] <- as.list(extras) plot(rx, ry, type="n", axes = FALSE, xlab = "", ylab = "", main = main) abline(v = ix, h = iy, col = "lightgray", lty = "dotted") for(i in 1:np) { pc <- pch[[i]] ## 'col' symbols with a 'bg'-colored interior (where available) : points(ix[i], iy[i], pch = pc, col = col, bg = bg, cex = cex) if(cextext > 0) text(ix[i] - .3, iy[i], pc, col = coltext, cex = cextext) } } pdf(file="pch points.pdf",width=10,height=10) pchShow2(extras=c(0:25),main="Plot Symbols 0:25; cex=3",cex=3,cextext=0.7) pchShow2(extras=c(33:126),main="Plot Symbols 33:126; cex=3",cex=3,cextext=0.7) pchShow2(extras=c(161:191),main="Plot Symbols 161:191; cex=3",cex=3,cextext=0.7) pchShow2(extras=c(192:221),main="Plot Symbols 192:221; cex=3",cex=3,cextext=0.7) pchShow2(extras=c(222:255),main="Plot Symbols 222:255; cex=3",cex=3,cextext=0.7) #pchShow2(extras=c(256:382),main="Plot Symbols 256:382",cex=1,cextext=0.7) #pchShow2(extras=c(383:451),main="Plot Symbols 383:451",cex=1,cextext=0.7) #pchShow2(extras=c(452:511),main="Plot Symbols 452:511",cex=1,cextext=0.7) #pchShow2(extras=c(512:567),main="Plot Symbols 512:567",cex=1,cextext=0.7) #pchShow2(extras=c(592:687),main="Plot Symbols 592:687",cex=1,cextext=0.7) # Even more, but stopped